Do You Want To Drive Your Business To The Next Level?
Do You Want To Drive Your Business To The Next Level?
The Next Level Accelerator is for established SME Business Owners with 2-30 employees, who are frustrated with their progress and not getting what they want out of their business and want to overcome their challenges and limitations and break through to the next level - whatever that means for them.

We help them to maximise productivity, increase profitability and accelerate forward towards achieving their goals. Our clients on the Accelerator achieve up to 200% YOY turnover growth and 400% YOY profit growth over the course of the 12 month program.

If you’re the owner of an established SME Business, super busy and wanting to ensure you work “on” your business and drive it to the next level over the next 12 months then the Next Level Accelerator could be the perfect place for you do just that.
The Next Level Accelerator is for established SME Business Owners with 2-30 employees, who are frustrated with their progress and not getting what they want out of their business and want to overcome their challenges and limitations and break through to the next level - whatever that means for them.

We help them to maximise productivity, increase profitability and accelerate forward towards achieving their goals. Our clients on the Accelerator achieve up to 200% YOY turnover growth and 400% YOY profit growth over the course of the 12 month program.

If you’re the owner of an established 
SME Business, super busy and wanting to ensure you work “on” your business and drive it to the next level over the next 12 months then the Next Level Accelerator could be the perfect place 
for you do just that.

What is the NEXT LEVEL for you?

More money and profit to invest in growth and pay yourself what you deserve?
Greater productivity? Less waste? More time? A more scalable model?
Value Driven
Improved quality? Better client retention? A wow customer experience?
Happier team? Happier you? 
People in roles they thrive in
Life fulfilling
The business enabling you to focus more on what you value in life and achieve your personal aspirations?

What is the NEXT LEVEL for you?

More money and profit to invest in growth and pay yourself what you deserve?
Greater productivity? Less waste? More time? A more scalable model?
Value Driven
Improved quality? Better client retention? A wow customer experience?
Happier team? Happier you? 
People in roles they thrive in
Life fulfilling
The business enabling you to focus more on what you value in life and achieve your personal aspirations?

We are a London based business who have helped 100’s of businesses through our Next Level Business Club's Accelerator, Peer Networking programmes, our workshops and 121 coaching and consultancy services so we really understand the challenges that SME business owners face and what it takes to unlock their potential so they can better achieve success in and from their business.

Since launching the Next Level Accelerator in 2016, we have worked with over 50 business directors 
in this programme alone, many of which have stayed for 2-3 years, from a wide variety of business's including: Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Education & Childcare, Recruitment, Construction, Property Services, Finance, IT & Technology, Branding & Design, Health & Fitness, Photography, 
Retail, Video production, HR

Over the years, since 2009, we have worked with clients from many types of business:

Recruitment, Construction, Property Maintenance services, Real Estate, Entertainment, Finance, IT & Technology, Online & Offline Marketing, Health & Fitness, Direct Sales, Photography, Innovative Products, Restaurants/cafes, Leadership Development, Travel agents

We are a London based business who have helped 100’s of businesses through our Next Level Business Club's Accelerator, Peer Networking programmes, our workshops and 121 coaching and consultancy services so we really understand the challenges that SME business owners face and what it takes to unlock their potential so they can better achieve success in and from their business.

Since launching the Next Level Accelerator in 2016, we have worked with over 50 business directors in this programme alone, many of which have stayed for 2-3 years, from a wide variety of business's including: Digital Marketing, E-Commerce, Education & Childcare, Recruitment, Construction, Property Services, Finance, IT & Technology, Branding & Design, Health & Fitness, Photography, Retail, Video production, HR.

Over the years, since 2009, we have worked with clients from many types of business:

Recruitment, Construction, Property Maintenance services, Real Estate, Entertainment, Finance, IT & Technology, Online & Offline Marketing, Health & Fitness, Direct Sales, Photography, Innovative Products, Restaurants/cafes, Leadership Development, Travel agents

So what is the 
Next Level Accelerator?

So what is the 
Next Level Accelerator?

London’s best value and most effective business coaching programme specifically designed to support business owners with 2-25 employees with the unique challenges that small business can bring.
We know it can be a lonely journey running your own business. 

We know it’s hard to know what to do in every situation.

We know that no one can be an expert in their own right on all the five functions of the business. 

We know how challenging it can be to maintain focus on development objectives amongst the day to day whirlwind of running the business.

The Next Level Accelerator is designed to ensure small business owners get the support they need for them and their business to thrive.

Are you ready?

Are you ready to create a complete strategy for the NEXT 12 months
work alongside other business owners and develop…

Improve and automate your lead generation so you don’t need to worry about where opportunities are coming from
Manage and delegate more effectively, inspire motivate engage and develop a high performance team all working cohesively to drive the business towards shared objectives
See healthier profit margins, better financial management and wise investment decisions that lead to results
Build a business that can thrive without you being there, where your clients experience the quality they deserve every time
Work to a clear growth strategy, improve your personal performance and operate at your best as a business leader driving consistently towards greater success
Develop the sales strategy and mindset you and your business need to consistently close those new opportunities

The Next Level Accelerator includes:



Kickstart with 2 days of strategy creation to clarify your vision, create a roadmap for moving your business forward and identify key strategic growth focuses and actions for the next month.

Developing a strategic plan in sales, marketing, operations, talent and finance.

Identifying the important numbers to measure in the business that give insight on the health of the business and demonstrate achievement of growth as planned.



Kickstart with 2 days of strategy creation to clarify your vision, create a roadmap for moving your business forward and identify key strategic growth focuses and actions for the next month.

Developing a strategic plan in sales, marketing, operations, talent and finance.

Identifying the important numbers to measure in the business that give insight on the health of the business and demonstrate achievement of growth as planned.


Monthly and quarterly planning sessions to ensure 
implementation of the plan

Designed to hold you accountable to transferring your strategy into consistent effective action, accelerating progress and ensuring you achieve real positive results in your business.
Making sure that the strategic plan created doesn’t end up “in the bottom draw”, remaining relevant in the context of current business issues and evolving priorities.


Monthly and quarterly planning sessions to ensure implementation of the plan

Designed to hold you accountable to transferring your strategy into consistent effective action, accelerating progress and ensuring you achieve real positive results in your business.

Making sure that the strategic plan created doesn’t end up “in the bottom draw”, remaining relevant in the context of current business issues and evolving priorities.


Strategy Booster videos in sales, marketing, operations, 
finance, talent

Designed to educate and inspire you to improve your personal and business performance, empowering and equipping you to lead your business to greater success: 

- How to manage busyness and optimise your time for maximum results

- How to maintain quality delivery and customer service through growth

- How to recruit, train and get the best out of your team

- Communicating for results

- How to drive consistent leads through effective marketing

- Developing and effective sales process

- How to manage finances for growth

- How to maximise your profits

Strategy Boosters

Strategy Booster videos in sales, marketing, operations, finance, talent

Designed to educate and inspire you to improve your personal and business performance, empowering and equipping you to lead your business to greater success: 

- How to manage busyness and optimise your time for maximum results

- How to maintain quality delivery and customer service through growth

- How to recruit, train, retain and get the best out of your team

- Communicating for results

- How to drive consistent leads through effective marketing

- Developing and effective sales process

- How to manage finance for growth

- How to maximise your profits


Masterminding with other business owners

Monthly mastermind sessions to tackle your current business issues so 
you can benefit from the experience of the other Business Owners in the Accelerator as well as the facilitators, and unblock obstacles to moving forwards.


Masterminding with other business owners

Monthly mastermind sessions to tackle your current business issues so 
you can benefit from the experience of the other Business Owners in the Accelerator as well as the facilitators, and unblock obstacles to moving forwards.


121 Coaching

Every member will have 121 coaching following the 2-day Strategy Intensive to ensure the road-map has been clearly set, to discuss any immediate business priorities or issues and help with initial blocks on progress.

Further 121 coaching can be purchased if needed, when appropriate, to focus on any aspect of the business whether it be marketing, sales, operations, finance or talent related, or about the members own challenges in executing the plan.


121 Coaching

Every member will have 121 coaching following the 2-day Strategy Intensive to ensure the road-map has been clearly set, to discuss any immediate business priorities or issues and help with initial blocks on progress.

Further 121 coaching can be purchased if needed, when appropriate, to focus on any aspect of the business whether it be marketing, sales, operations, finance or talent related, or about the members own challenges in executing the plan.


Weekly and monthly online support to help you 
keep on track

Putting your Strategy on the Cloud so you can access it where ever you are and keep track of your strategy implementation over time.

Monday emails to motivate, inspire, prompt action, follow up to past meeting and request preparation for the next session.

Online group forum to share ideas, successes and support with fellow Club members.


Weekly and monthly online support to help you keep on track

Putting your Strategy on the Cloud so you can access it where ever you are and keep track of your strategy implementation over time.

Monday emails to motivate, inspire, prompt action, follow up to past meeting and request preparation for the next session.

Online group forum to share ideas, successes and support with fellow Club members.

Access other elements of the 
Next Level Business Club

Attending the Next Level Accelerator gives you Membership of the 
Next Level Business Club and access to the following:

Access other elements of the 
Next Level Business Club

Attending the Next Level Accelerator gives you Membership of the Next Level Business Club and access to the following:

Next Level 
Peer Circles - Discounted for Accelerator Members


Join one of our professionally facilitated online mastermind groups. Gather monthly to discuss challenges, garner new ideas, get fresh perspectives, share knowledge and experience and make significant decisions amongst your peers (all of which you can feedback into the strategic and action planning you create and execute in the Accelerator). Find out more about the Next Level Peer Circles HERE.

Next Level
Peer Circles - Discounted for Accelerator Members


Join one of our professionally facilitated online mastermind groups. Gather monthly to discuss challenges, garner new ideas, get fresh perspectives, share knowledge and experience and make significant decisions amongst your peers (all of which you can feedback into the strategic and action planning you create and execute in the Accelerator). Find out more about the Next Level Peer Circles HERE.

Face to Face Networking


All members of any programme, whether that be group or 121, within the Next Level Business Club are invited to the quarterly face to face networking and social.

Having been forced online during Covid we have seen the efficient use of time this affords to our busy members. However having previously run our groups face to face we know the added social, relational and networking benefit of meeting face to face. To combine the best of both worlds we now run a quarterly networking and social event, allowing members from all groups to connect with each other and develop and deepen relationships. This is unlike most face to face networking scenarios you will have had because you will really be meeting with your peers; no one man bands or start ups, no employees only the business owners of established businesses.

Face to Face Networking


All members of any programme, whether that be group or 121, within the Next Level Business Club are invited to the quarterly face to face networking and social.

Having been forced online during Covid we have seen the efficient use of time this affords to our busy members. However having previously run our groups face to face we know the added social, relational and networking benefit of meeting face to face. To combine the best of both worlds we now run a quarterly networking and social event, allowing members from all groups to connect with each other and develop and deepen relationships. This is unlike most face to face networking scenarios you will have had because you will really be meeting with your peers; no one man bands or start ups, no employees only the business owners of established businesses.

Why a group program?

Why a group program?

The power of working alongside your peers as you grow your business shouldn’t be underestimated. 

As we said before we know it can be a lonely journey running your own business. Working with others in a similar position gives you the opportunity to really relax, be honest about your business and share with other people who understand exactly where you’re coming from and know what it’s like to be in your shoes.

Some of the greatest impact achieved on our accelerator to date has come not only form the strategy and structure, but from the network created and the learning from peers. 

Our groups are industry agnostic, which provides maximum opportunity for cross pollenation of ideas and expertise meaning you’ll be learning from others outside your industry and sector.

NLBC Leadership Team

Beverley Corson

Director and Founder of the Next Level Business Club

Since starting her own business, Beverley has spent 15 years successfully delivering business growth coaching to SME business owners. Prior to that Beverley worked for 10 years with other world-class companies providing people development and performance improvement in the business world. She is an accomplished Business, Leadership, Marketing, and Sales Coach and Trainer, and Business Development professional who uses her down to earth, supportive and personal approach to help her clients achieve clarity, direction, focus, proactivity, productivity and results.

Luke Brice

Partner and Business Coach

Like most entrepreneurs, Luke had a flare for business from a young age. From selling milkshakes from his classroom at school, to pointing out inefficiencies in a café in Australia, his overarching desire in business is make life easier for both business owners and their customers. After a seven year career in the Metropolitan Police, Luke set up his first official business in the trade sector, growing and selling up after five years. He then set up and scaled a nationwide security company which restructured to a full spectrum group of facilities companies before again selling in 2022. He now enjoys a mix of different business interests, and helping other business owners to achieve their goals, whatever they may be.
The power of working alongside your peers as you grow your business shouldn’t be underestimated. 

As we said before we know it can be a lonely journey running your own business. Working with others in a similar position gives you the opportunity to really relax, be honest about your business and share with other people who understand exactly where you’re coming from and know what it’s like to be in your shoes.

Some of the greatest impact achieved on our accelerator to date has come not only form the strategy and structure, but from the network created and the learning from peers. 

Our groups are industry agnostic, which provides maximum opportunity for cross pollenation of ideas and expertise meaning you’ll be learning from others outside your industry and sector.

NLBC Leadership Team

Beverley Corson

Director and Founder of the Next Level Business Club

Since starting her own business, Beverley has spent 15 years successfully delivering business growth coaching to SME business owners. Prior to that Beverley worked for 10 years with other world-class companies providing people development and performance improvement in the business world. She is an accomplished Business, Leadership, Marketing, and Sales Coach and Trainer, and Business Development professional who uses her down to earth, supportive and personal approach to help her clients achieve clarity, direction, focus, proactivity, productivity and results.

Luke Brice

Partner and Business Coach

Like most entrepreneurs, Luke had a flare for business from a young age. From selling milkshakes from his classroom at school, to pointing out inefficiencies in a café in Australia, his overarching desire in business is make life easier for both business owners and their customers. After a seven year career in the Metropolitan Police, Luke set up his first official business in the trade sector, growing and selling up after five years. He then set up and scaled a nationwide security company which restructured to a full spectrum group of facilities companies before again selling in 2022. He now enjoys a mix of different business interests, and helping other business owners to achieve their goals, whatever they may be.

“I think working alongside other people in a similar sort of position really helped because you suddenly realise you’re not alone in not having this infrastructure and you’re not alone in needing it.” 

Gil Perkins, Wandsworth Oasis

“I think working alongside other people in a similar sort of position really helped because you suddenly realise you’re not alone in not having this infrastructure and you’re not alone in needing it.” 

Gil Perkins, Wandsworth Oasis

Hear from some of our clients who have grown their business using our powerful business acceleration methodology

Julia Pittman 
Beaver Pest Control
Gill Perkins
Wandsworth Oasis
Ross Crawford
Mr. Digital

Hear from some of our clients who have grown their business using our powerful business acceleration methodology

Julia Pittman 
Beaver Pest Control
Gill Perkins
Wandsworth Oasis
Ross Crawford
Mr. Digital

Accelerator Taster Session:

Next Level Accelerator Workshop

Join us on a half day workshop to learn the powerful business acceleration methodology 
we use in this Accelerator programme and start to unlock the strategy and mindset you need to drive your business to the next level.

Accelerator Taster Session:

Next Level Accelerator Workshop

Join us on a half day workshop to learn the powerful business acceleration methodology we use in this Accelerator programme and start to unlock the strategy and mindset you need to drive your business to the next level.

Next Level Accelerator
Frequently Asked Questions

I've had business coaching before and it didn't work - how is this any different?
Without knowing more about the business coaching you received and why it didn’t work for you it’s hard to comment, however this is a programme that has been running for over 3 years so it is tried and tested and proven to generate significant results for clients from many different sectors, and we have numerous client testimonials reporting progress, improvements in their business and concrete outcomes in terms of increases in revenue and profits.
How many business owners are in the group? 
This is a group coaching programme where we interact with all the members of a group so we limit group sizes to a maximum of 12.
What stage or size business is it for?
This programme is for the directors of established businesses that have been operating and trading for at least 12 months and have a team of at least 2 people. We have had members in the club operating for up to 30 years with teams of up to 30 employees and up to £2m revenue. We are less strict about going over this than under it as we want to ensure that people feel they are in a space with other business leaders that they resonate with and that can challenge them.
My business is unique or niche, so will it work for me?
Every business is unique and we have found that despite that each Business Owner is able to use the framework and process provided to support them to work “on” their own business and develop it accordingly. We believe that as a Business Owner you are the expert in your own field and have a wealth of your own experience to bring to the table so we are not there to “tell” you what to do but to ask the right questions and provide the guidance needed for you to bespoke the programme for your own business model, market and needs.

We have had businesses succeed in this programme from a wide range of sectors, business models and serving various broad and niche markets for example, an e-commerce company selling maps to architects, massage and well-being provider for corporates, digital marketing for trades, an independent charity shop chain, tuition company serving both the mass parent market and international high net-worth individuals, a general IT company, HR for SME’s, Physio for the elderly, commercial cleaning etc.

What we find is that they all need to work on the 5 functions of their businesses; marketing, sales, operations, finance and talent, in a way that works for them which is identified through this dynamic process. What we always find is that there are still common themes, challenges and requirements to take their business to the next level and therefore while everyone learns from the program they are also learning from each other which is a key part of the program.
How can I plan when it's hard to see what step to take next in this ever-changing situation of Covid-19?
Due to the fast paced nature of business in this day and age and the advancements of technology we already found that it was essential for business leaders to have a dynamic strategy, meaning that they are able to change it as needed and ensure it is always remains relevant and current so it can drive day to day action. Gone are the days of the 5 year business plan as these usually found their way into the bottom draw never to be seen again and they rarely lead to consistently referring to them to drive action. This is why we create a 1-page strategic plan that is kept up to date throughout the year and always leads to relevant action.

With that being said, in this current ever-changing time we are confident that our powerful and dynamic strategic planning to action process is even more effective than ever, in fact we would go so far as to say it is the ONLY way to do long term planning that is always mindful of the current challenges and changing circumstances.

The issue if you don’t plan and don’t still look forward to what you want to achieve in the future and how you can get there through your day to day action is that you can end up being totally reactive, fire-fighting and going round in circles. It can dampen motivation and drive, hinder effective decision making, can lead to focusing only on the immediate problem and stunt creative thinking and the finding of credible solutions.

Therefore despite the challenges you are facing right now, we recommend you put your focus on your leadership of the business by butting yourself in a mindset of “possibility thinking”, re-vision to set direction and create a strategy to achieving that whilst also being agile in the moment.
What if I need some specific 121 support?
Every new member receives one 121 coaching session after they complete their “Strategy on a Page”. Additional 1 hour 121 coaching sessions can be purchased as part of a more comprehensive programme, i.e. a 121 session per quarter, every other month or every month. We can adjust the monthly fees accordingly so there is still one set fee per month to help with budgeting and cashflow.

Alternatively, some clients commit to the base level programme and sign up for ad-hoc 121 coaching sessions as and when a specific need arises so we can deep dive into that area. Because we are already familiar with them and their business through the group work and we can access their “Strategy on a Page” to see exactly what they want to achieve, how they plan to do that and what their current priorities are, these are extremely efficient and effective 1 hour sessions as we are able to be laser focussed on what they want to work on.

Alternatively we offer 121 coaching programmes that can be delivered instead of the club or alongside it and have been known to go into a business to do specific coaching and training for others in the business whether that be their managers or team members.

Finally we offer full on consultancy where we can get stuck into your business and even be an extension of your leadership team.

We aim to deliver whatever you need to achieve your goals, and can sign post to other providers where we are not experts or don’t offer the most suitable solution.
What if I need to leave for some reason?
Everyone initially commits to 12 months as we know that it takes time to push a business to the next level and we want to support the execution of the 12 months strategy. Most continue on into their 2nd and 3rd year and beyond on the follow on “Momentum Programme”.

However we understand that circumstances might change and we don’t want people to stay if it is not right for them as we want to protect the dynamic in the group where everyone is committed to progressing in their businesses and a positive environment is essential.

In the first 12 months we take the fee for the 2 day Strategy Intensive where they complete their “Strategy on a Page” and spread it out over the 12 months to have one set fee helping with budgeting and cashflow so there is an agreement to reflect that. Should someone want to leave in that time we simply invoice for what ever is left of the fee for the initial 2 days.

Beyond that people can leave as and when they want with no additional fee but when people start year 2, 3 or beyond we do ask for people to commit to 12 months so they can work on executing their 12 month plan. If they need to leave sooner, we ask them to finish a quarter, but there is no contract for this.

Our objective is to ensure the programme is so successful for members that they don’t want to leave!
What if I don't know what I want to achieve with my business?
We have had it said before from someone who was interested in the programme “I’m not ready to sign up yet as I need to be more clear on my vision first” to which we responded by saying that they don’t need to go away to work on that beforehand because that is a major aspect of the programme!

We start the programme by helping people to clarify what they want to achieve personally, what the business needs to look like in order to enable them to achieve that, what they want their role to be in the business, how they need their business and team to be operating so they can achieve that, and what improvements they need to make across the business so that it operates in the way they need it to if they are to achieve all their goals.

We start with clarifying your purpose for the business and what your vision is for it in 3 years, so you're super clear on where you want to go. We then use that to guide and direct the creation of your strategy. Vision is a powerful tool not just for long term foresight, but for achieving anything. It can be really challenging to do this kind of thinking on your own with no facilitation, not having the right questions to answer and it can be hard to set the time aside to do this amid the busyness of the day to day running of a business.

We pride ourselves in this being one of the most powerful benefits of the programme and are confident that you will get a much better understanding of what you want to achieve by working on that with us in the thinking space we create using our tried and tested questions and processes. Not only that, we find that members of the group get inspired by hearing each others vision and goals. As a result members visions evolve throughout the programme as their business and circumstances change and they learn more and more about what they want, what will work for them and open their minds to what could be possible for them.
What if I don't have the time to attend all the meetings?
If you are considering this programme then the chances are you are a very busy Business Owner, like all of our club members.

Our members recognise putting time aside to work "on" the business is crucial if they are going to progress, so we ask our members to put the monthly meetings in their diary and do everything they can to protect that time as it is so vital to them achieving what they want. We’ve had members who came to the meeting and said “I really didn’t think I could make it this time because I’ve got so much going on….. but I’m really glad I did because I now have much more clarity, motivation and focus to go and do what I need to do”.

So we would ask the same of you. However, of course there are times when there is really no alternative than to miss the meeting. On those occasions, at the very least we will send you a video of the Strategy Booster session and send you instructions for completing your “Strategy on the Page” for your next month’s plan and key actions. There may also be an option to attend another meeting date (but not guaranteed) or you are welcome to purchase an additional 121 to go through it all at your convenience.
What if it doesn't work for me?
This programme is very comprehensive in that it touches on so many different aspects of business, leadership and personal development and is designed so that you can bespoke it for yourself and your needs. So, if it is determined that it is right for you before you sign up then we would be incredibly surprised if it doesn’t work for you as it has worked for so many before.

We are so confident that we give the guarantee that you will grow your business over the first 12 months, or we will coach you until you do. There are caveats to that though in that you must have done the work as there is no miracle wand here. It takes consistent commitment to achieve growth so you must do what you say you will do. Proactivity is a key component.

To help you feel more sure about it though, we invite you to speak with us before you sign up for the programme as we would like to find out more about you and your business, what motivates you to drive it forward, what your challenges are and where you want to take things in the long term so we can get a sense for whether you are a good fit for the programme. Rest assured we only want people that are a good fit as we have to protect the environment for other members and we want people to succeed with us.

Should you decide to sign up we also provide a money back guarantee, in that if you come to the 2 day Strategy Intensive and decide by the morning of the first day that it isn’t what you expected or not right for you we will give you any money you have paid thus far back to you, no hard feelings.

If you would like to schedule a call to discuss whether the programme is right for you then CLICK HERE .
I'm already doing OK so how can it help me improve things?
Ultimately it depends what you want! If you are OK to the degree of being fully satisfied with your turnover, your profits and how the business works for you in terms of what you are doing within the business and the lifestyle you are living as a result then maybe there is no need for you to sign up.

What we find is that all our clients are already successful to a certain degree, they are doing “OK” but they want more or different in some way, they are not 100% satisfied.

For example we have a client who runs an IT company that has been going 25 years, has a solid team of 8 employees and it had been running so well for him that he didn’t have to be involved in the day to day and could spend his time working on the long list of interests and sport he loved to do. This is the situation many of our other club members aspire for! Yet he started to get bored with life and started to think towards other projects and possibly exit. He joined the club to work out what he wanted and to be held accountable to work on what ever came up for him. In the club he realised he wanted to push it to the next level so he could have the choice whether to sell it or get an MD in. He has continued to work “on” the business with us through the Covid-19 crisis.

We gave the above example to show that wherever you are in business, if more is possible for you then there is a strong chance we can help you to move towards that as this programme helps you to work on whatever you want to work on towards any goals you set.

For some that means they want fast growth to change things significantly, for others they have a very personal motivation such as just being able to work 4 days per week so they can spend time with their family, and for others it could be that they want to improve their profits without scaling much. So it could be a personal driver for change or it could be a business driver for change.
I have a business partner so how would it work then?
We have had Business Partners attend this programme and have found that it is an excellent way to make sure they are both “on the same page” (the Strategy on a Page!) so they are totally aligned on where they want to take the business and how to get there. We also found that they became much more aware of each other in terms of where they want to be in the business in the future, what role they are most excited by and that most fits their strengths, and what they want to personally get out of it.

The programme was also a catalyst for them introducing much more effective co-leadership and management processes across the business such as regular effective leadership team meetings which had Strategy on a Page at the centre of it and enabled them to consistently work “on” the business together and cascade that down to the team. As a result they built momentum and maintained sustained progress.

In terms of pricing we offer a 50% discount for the 2nd person. So one at full price and another at 50%.
I have a leadership team so how could I get them involved?
For businesses with three or more members in their leadership team we recommend that you go for an in-house option around the “Strategy on a Page” to allow for the facilitated discussion that takes place to bring you all together.

This can be incredibly effective though. CLICK HERE to hear from one of our clients where we worked with their 4 Directors to get them all on the same page and then ran another group session for their team of 7 manager to all have their own Strategy on a Page for their team. This meant that the entire business of around 40 people were all on the same page working toward the goal of doubling turnover in 3 years without it effecting the quality of their delivery and customer service. This goal was achieved, and they report that this process was a key contributor.
How confidential is it?
When people join the club on the first day of the Strategy Intensive we extract the ground rules that everyone agrees to stick to. One of those is relating to confidentiality as it is vital that people feel comfortable to be open and honest for it to work. Our standard rule is that “what is said in the room stays in the room”. We have never had anyone not agree to this or any issues relating to confidentiality and we find people are very honest about what is going on for them and share amazing insight into their businesses. Of course, people have to moderate themselves and only share what they are comfortable with.

Everyone is different though and if you don’t think you will be comfortable sharing about your business and self then it may be a group programme like this is not right for you and you may want to consider 121 options instead.
What is the difference between this and the Next Level Peer Circles?
As described above, the Accelerator is a 12 month program built around a fully joined up business strategy covering all aspects of the business. This is created at the outset of the program in a 2 day Strategy Intensive where you create your "Strategy on a Page" and the rest of the programme is focused on executing that strategy. The accelerator is also a group programme and includes an element of masterminding around current business issues within the monthly meetings but not the the same extent as the Peer Mastermind.

In the Peer Circles, the strategy is not developed in the programme though strategies can be discussed as you can discuss whatever you want. Topics are ad hoc and depend on what is pressing right now. Members may have developed a strategy themselves and be using this programme to build a network and work through current challenges, decisions and opportunities that come up as they execute their strategy. In some cases members join the Mastermind group without a clear strategy and still get help with tackling their business challenges and identify ways to move forward which can then feed into future strategy development. Some get used to the group scenario and feel a greater need to develop their strategy so they upgrade to the Accelerator which gives them access to the Peer Circles as well so they don't miss out.

Next Level Accelerator
Frequently Asked Questions

I've had business coaching before and it didn't work - how is this any different?
Without knowing more about the business coaching you received and why it didn’t work for you it’s hard to comment, however this is a programme that has been running for over 3 years so it is tried and tested and proven to generate significant results for clients from many different sectors, and we have numerous client testimonials reporting progress, improvements in their business and concrete outcomes in terms of increases in revenue and profits.
How many business owners are in the group? 
This is a group coaching programme where we interact with all the members of a group so we limit group sizes to a maximum of 12.
What stage or size business is it for?
This programme is for the directors of established businesses that have been operating and trading for at least 12 months and have a team of at least 2 people. We have had members in the club operating for up to 30 years with teams of up to 30 employees and up to £2m revenue. We are less strict about going over this than under it as we want to ensure that people feel they are in a space with other business leaders that they resonate with and that can challenge them.
My business is unique or niche, so will it work for me?
Every business is unique and we have found that despite that each Business Owner is able to use the framework and process provided to support them to work “on” their own business and develop it accordingly. We believe that as a Business Owner you are the expert in your own field and have a wealth of your own experience to bring to the table so we are not there to “tell” you what to do but to ask the right questions and provide the guidance needed for you to bespoke the programme for your own business model, market and needs.

We have had businesses succeed in this programme from a wide range of sectors, business models and serving various broad and niche markets for example, an e-commerce company selling maps to architects, massage and well-being provider for corporates, digital marketing for trades, an independent charity shop chain, tuition company serving both the mass parent market and international high net-worth individuals, a general IT company, HR for SME’s, Physio for the elderly, commercial cleaning etc.

What we find is that they all need to work on the 5 functions of their businesses; marketing, sales, operations, finance and talent, in a way that works for them which is identified through this dynamic process. What we always find is that there are still common themes, challenges and requirements to take their business to the next level and therefore while everyone learns from the program they are also learning from each other which is a key part of the program.
How can I plan when it's hard to see what step to take next in this ever-changing situation of Covid-19?
Due to the fast paced nature of business in this day and age and the advancements of technology we already found that it was essential for business leaders to have a dynamic strategy, meaning that they are able to change it as needed and ensure it is always remains relevant and current so it can drive day to day action. Gone are the days of the 5 year business plan as these usually found their way into the bottom draw never to be seen again and they rarely lead to consistently referring to them to drive action. This is why we create a 1-page strategic plan that is kept up to date throughout the year and always leads to relevant action.

With that being said, in this current ever-changing time we are confident that our powerful and dynamic strategic planning to action process is even more effective than ever, in fact we would go so far as to say it is the ONLY way to do long term planning that is always mindful of the current challenges and changing circumstances.

The issue if you don’t plan and don’t still look forward to what you want to achieve in the future and how you can get there through your day to day action is that you can end up being totally reactive, fire-fighting and going round in circles. It can dampen motivation and drive, hinder effective decision making, can lead to focusing only on the immediate problem and stunt creative thinking and the finding of credible solutions.

Therefore despite the challenges you are facing right now, we recommend you put your focus on your leadership of the business by butting yourself in a mindset of “possibility thinking”, re-vision to set direction and create a strategy to achieving that whilst also being agile in the moment.
What if I need some specific 121 support?
Every new member receives one 121 coaching session after they complete their “Strategy on a Page”. Additional 1 hour 121 coaching sessions can be purchased as part of a more comprehensive programme, i.e. a 121 session per quarter, every other month or every month. We can adjust the monthly fees accordingly so there is still one set fee per month to help with budgeting and cashflow.

Alternatively, some clients commit to the base level programme and sign up for ad-hoc 121 coaching sessions as and when a specific need arises so we can deep dive into that area. Because we are already familiar with them and their business through the group work and we can access their “Strategy on a Page” to see exactly what they want to achieve, how they plan to do that and what their current priorities are, these are extremely efficient and effective 1 hour sessions as we are able to be laser focussed on what they want to work on.

Alternatively we offer 121 coaching programmes that can be delivered instead of the club or alongside it and have been known to go into a business to do specific coaching and training for others in the business whether that be their managers or team members.

Finally we offer full on consultancy where we can get stuck into your business and even be an extension of your leadership team.

We aim to deliver whatever you need to achieve your goals, and can sign post to other providers where we are not experts or don’t offer the most suitable solution.
What if I need to leave for some reason?
Everyone initially commits to 12 months as we know that it takes time to push a business to the next level and we want to support the execution of the 12 months strategy. Most continue on into their 2nd and 3rd year and beyond on the follow on “Momentum Programme”.

However we understand that circumstances might change and we don’t want people to stay if it is not right for them as we want to protect the dynamic in the group where everyone is committed to progressing in their businesses and a positive environment is essential.

In the first 12 months we take the fee for the 2 day Strategy Intensive where they complete their “Strategy on a Page” and spread it out over the 12 months to have one set fee helping with budgeting and cashflow so there is an agreement to reflect that. Should someone want to leave in that time we simply invoice for what ever is left of the fee for the initial 2 days.

Beyond that people can leave as and when they want with no additional fee but when people start year 2, 3 or beyond we do ask for people to commit to 12 months so they can work on executing their 12 month plan. If they need to leave sooner, we ask them to finish a quarter, but there is no contract for this.

Our objective is to ensure the programme is so successful for members that they don’t want to leave!
What if I don't know what I want to achieve with my business?
We have had it said before from someone who was interested in the programme “I’m not ready to sign up yet as I need to be more clear on my vision first” to which we responded by saying that they don’t need to go away to work on that beforehand because that is a major aspect of the programme!

We start the programme by helping people to clarify what they want to achieve personally, what the business needs to look like in order to enable them to achieve that, what they want their role to be in the business, how they need their business and team to be operating so they can achieve that, and what improvements they need to make across the business so that it operates in the way they need it to if they are to achieve all their goals.

We start with clarifying your purpose for the business and what your vision is for it in 3 years, so you're super clear on where you want to go. We then use that to guide and direct the creation of your strategy. Vision is a powerful tool not just for long term foresight, but for achieving anything. It can be really challenging to do this kind of thinking on your own with no facilitation, not having the right questions to answer and it can be hard to set the time aside to do this amid the busyness of the day to day running of a business.

We pride ourselves in this being one of the most powerful benefits of the programme and are confident that you will get a much better understanding of what you want to achieve by working on that with us in the thinking space we create using our tried and tested questions and processes. Not only that, we find that members of the group get inspired by hearing each others vision and goals. As a result members visions evolve throughout the programme as their business and circumstances change and they learn more and more about what they want, what will work for them and open their minds to what could be possible for them.
What if I don't have the time to attend all the meetings?
If you are considering this programme then the chances are you are a very busy Business Owner, like all of our club members.

Our members recognise putting time aside to work "on" the business is crucial if they are going to progress, so we ask our members to put the monthly meetings in their diary and do everything they can to protect that time as it is so vital to them achieving what they want. We’ve had members who came to the meeting and said “I really didn’t think I could make it this time because I’ve got so much going on….. but I’m really glad I did because I now have much more clarity, motivation and focus to go and do what I need to do”.

So we would ask the same of you. However, of course there are times when there is really no alternative than to miss the meeting. On those occasions, at the very least we will send you a video of the Strategy Booster session and send you instructions for completing your “Strategy on the Page” for your next month’s plan and key actions. There may also be an option to attend another meeting date (but not guaranteed) or you are welcome to purchase an additional 121 to go through it all at your convenience.
What if it doesn't work for me?
This programme is very comprehensive in that it touches on so many different aspects of business, leadership and personal development and is designed so that you can bespoke it for yourself and your needs. So, if it is determined that it is right for you before you sign up then we would be incredibly surprised if it doesn’t work for you as it has worked for so many before.

We are so confident that we give the guarantee that you will grow your business over the first 12 months, or we will coach you until you do. There are caveats to that though in that you must have done the work as there is no miracle wand here. It takes consistent commitment to achieve growth so you must do what you say you will do. Proactivity is a key component.

To help you feel more sure about it though, we invite you to speak with us before you sign up for the programme as we would like to find out more about you and your business, what motivates you to drive it forward, what your challenges are and where you want to take things in the long term so we can get a sense for whether you are a good fit for the programme. Rest assured we only want people that are a good fit as we have to protect the environment for other members and we want people to succeed with us.

Should you decide to sign up we also provide a money back guarantee, in that if you come to the 2 day Strategy Intensive and decide by the morning of the first day that it isn’t what you expected or not right for you we will give you any money you have paid thus far back to you, no hard feelings.

If you would like to schedule a call to discuss whether the programme is right for you then CLICK HERE .
I'm already doing OK so how can it help me improve things?
Ultimately it depends what you want! If you are OK to the degree of being fully satisfied with your turnover, your profits and how the business works for you in terms of what you are doing within the business and the lifestyle you are living as a result then maybe there is no need for you to sign up.

What we find is that all our clients are already successful to a certain degree, they are doing “OK” but they want more or different in some way, they are not 100% satisfied.

For example we have a client who runs an IT company that has been going 25 years, has a solid team of 8 employees and it had been running so well for him that he didn’t have to be involved in the day to day and could spend his time working on the long list of interests and sport he loved to do. This is the situation many of our other club members aspire for! Yet he started to get bored with life and started to think towards other projects and possibly exit. He joined the club to work out what he wanted and to be held accountable to work on what ever came up for him. In the club he realised he wanted to push it to the next level so he could have the choice whether to sell it or get an MD in. He has continued to work “on” the business with us through the Covid-19 crisis.

We gave the above example to show that wherever you are in business, if more is possible for you then there is a strong chance we can help you to move towards that as this programme helps you to work on whatever you want to work on towards any goals you set.

For some that means they want fast growth to change things significantly, for others they have a very personal motivation such as just being able to work 4 days per week so they can spend time with their family, and for others it could be that they want to improve their profits without scaling much. So it could be a personal driver for change or it could be a business driver for change.
I have a business partner so how would it work then?
We have had Business Partners attend this programme and have found that it is an excellent way to make sure they are both “on the same page” (the Strategy on a Page!) so they are totally aligned on where they want to take the business and how to get there. We also found that they became much more aware of each other in terms of where they want to be in the business in the future, what role they are most excited by and that most fits their strengths, and what they want to personally get out of it.

The programme was also a catalyst for them introducing much more effective co-leadership and management processes across the business such as regular effective leadership team meetings which had Strategy on a Page at the centre of it and enabled them to consistently work “on” the business together and cascade that down to the team. As a result they built momentum and maintained sustained progress.

In terms of pricing we offer a 50% discount for the 2nd person. So one at full price and another at 50%.
I have a leadership team so how could I get them involved?
For businesses with three or more members in their leadership team we recommend that you go for an in-house option around the “Strategy on a Page” to allow for the facilitated discussion that takes place to bring you all together.

This can be incredibly effective though. CLICK HERE to hear from one of our clients where we worked with their 4 Directors to get them all on the same page and then ran another group session for their team of 7 manager to all have their own Strategy on a Page for their team. This meant that the entire business of around 40 people were all on the same page working toward the goal of doubling turnover in 3 years without it effecting the quality of their delivery and customer service. This goal was achieved, and they report that this process was a key contributor.
How confidential is it?
When people join the club on the first day of the Strategy Intensive we extract the ground rules that everyone agrees to stick to. One of those is relating to confidentiality as it is vital that people feel comfortable to be open and honest for it to work. Our standard rule is that “what is said in the room stays in the room”. We have never had anyone not agree to this or any issues relating to confidentiality and we find people are very honest about what is going on for them and share amazing insight into their businesses. Of course, people have to moderate themselves and only share what they are comfortable with.

Everyone is different though and if you don’t think you will be comfortable sharing about your business and self then it may be a group programme like this is not right for you and you may want to consider 121 options instead.
What is the difference between this and the Next Level Peer Circles?
As described above, the Accelerator is a 12 month program built around a fully joined up business strategy covering all aspects of the business. This is created at the outset of the program in a 2 day Strategy Intensive where you create your "Strategy on a Page" and the rest of the programme is focused on executing that strategy. The accelerator is also a group programme and includes an element of masterminding around current business issues within the monthly meetings but not the the same extent as the Peer Mastermind.

In the Peer Circles, the strategy is not developed in the programme though strategies can be discussed as you can discuss whatever you want. Topics are ad hoc and depend on what is pressing right now. Members may have developed a strategy themselves and be using this programme to build a network and work through current challenges, decisions and opportunities that come up as they execute their strategy. In some cases members join the Mastermind group without a clear strategy and still get help with tackling their business challenges and identify ways to move forward which can then feed into future strategy development. Some get used to the group scenario and feel a greater need to develop their strategy so they upgrade to the Accelerator which gives them access to the Peer Circles as well so they don't miss out.

Schedule a call to find out more and discuss your business challenges and opportunities

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Schedule a call to find out more and discuss your business challenges and opportunities

All rights reserved 2024.